Signature Painters provide custom painting services throughout the west – Galway, Clare and Mayo. We provide extraordinary value whilst providing the best quality service. Signature Painters consistently earns the highest consumer reviews regarding expert craftsmanship, reliability, attention to detail, value, project management and professionalism.


Exterior Painting

Nothing enhances the curb appeal and extends the useful life span of a house more than a good exterior paint job. Proper preparation and painting of your exterior is the best way to increase your home’s value…

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Varnishing, Staining and Glossing

A source of enjoyment for any homeowner is the visual transformation of tired furniture, cabinets or other stained items that are restored to their original condition. Signature Painters are experts at staining and refinishing cabinets and furniture. In addition to making…

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Interior Painting

Nothing improves the look and feel of your interior as quickly and affordably as a good paint job. Choose colours that reflect your personality to create spaces that are calming and inviting. Signature Painters provide colour coaching…

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